How to Build a Simple Digital Clock with HTML, CSS and JavaScript

This is a great project to help beginners grab the fundamentals of working with the Date Object hands-on, in javascript. In this article, we'll be building a simple digital clock with a 12-hour feature.

Building the Clock Structure

We'll begin building our project with HTML.

HTML Document

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
    <title>Digital Clock</title>
        <div class="clock-container" id="container">
            <p class="value" id="hours"></p>
            <p class="value" id="minutes"></p>
            <p class="value" id="seconds"></p>
            <p class="value" id="suffix"></p>
    <script src="index.js"></script>

Moving unto JavaScript

Grabbing the Elements

  • We'll grab the HTML elements needed to display the clock from the HTML document we created above.
const Displayhours = document.querySelector('#hours');
const Displayminutes = document.querySelector('#minutes');
const Displayseconds = document.querySelector('#seconds');
const suffix = document.querySelector('#suffix');

Date Object to get the time

  • Creating a new Date Object and visualising it with console.log
const date = new Date()

Result of the Date Object

  • Getting the hours, minutes and seconds from the Date Object
const date = new Date()
let hours = date.getHours();
let minutes = date.getMinutes();
let seconds = date.getSeconds();
  • Adding our clock to the DOM

    The code below adds the clock to the DOM.

Displayhours.textContent = hours,
Displayminutes.textContent = minutes,
Displayseconds.textContent = seconds

Visualizing our Code with CSS

  • Adding the CSS code
* {
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;

    src: url('./technology.bold.ttf');
    font-weight: 400;

body {
    min-height: 100vh;
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;
    background-color: #335c67;
    color: #f5f1ed;

main {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    gap: 15px;

.clock-container {
    width:  600px;
    display: flex;
    justify-content: space-between;
    gap: 1rem;
    font-size: 10rem;
    font-family: 'digital-clock-font',sans-serif;

.value {
    padding: 10px;
    max-width: 300px;
    text-align: center;
    border-radius: 5px;
    box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px black;

#seconds {
    max-width: 300px;
    text-align: center;   

#suffix {
    font-size: 2rem;
    width: 50px;
    height: 40px;
    padding: 5px;
  • Our job so far.

  • Notice the suffix "AM/PM" space is currently empty, we'll implement it later.

    The clock as at now

Moving on with JavaScript

  • The clock is currently stagnant, it's time to make it tick. for this to happen we'll wrap our code within the "setInterval()" method and set the timer to 1000ms.
setInterval(() => {
    const date = new Date()
    let hours = date.getHours();
    let minutes = date.getMinutes();
    let seconds = date.getSeconds();

    Displayhours.textContent = hours,
    Displayminutes.textContent = minutes,
    Displayseconds.textContent = seconds 
}, 1000);

Display of the clock ticking

  • Let's add the "AM/PM" suffix function we mentioned earlier.
function clockSuffix(hours) {
    if (hours < 12) {
        return 'AM';
    return 'PM'
  • Invoke the function below within the "setInterval()" method.
suffix.textContent = clockSuffix(hours);

Our clock now got it "suffix" flower

  • It'll be a great display if the time has a leading '0' when it's a single digit. let's implement that.
function zeros (num) {
    if(num < 10) {
        return "0" + num;
    return num;
  • Invoke the function below within the "setInterval()" method and append it to the Date Object variables created earlier.
hours = zeros(hours);
minutes = zeros(minutes);
seconds = zeros(seconds);

Leading zeros included.

  • By default, our clock is a 24-hour clock. our next and final implementation is to convert our clock to 12 hours.
function twelveHours(hours) {
    if (hours % 12 === 0 ) {
        return 12;
    return hours % 12;
  • Call the function within the "setInterval()" method too.
hours = twelveHours(hours)

Final JavaScript Code

const Displayhours = document.querySelector('#hours');
const Displayminutes = document.querySelector('#minutes');
const Displayseconds = document.querySelector('#seconds');
const suffix = document.querySelector('#suffix');

setInterval(() => {
    const date = new Date()
    let hours = date.getHours();
    let minutes = date.getMinutes();
    let seconds = date.getSeconds();

    suffix.textContent = clockSuffix(hours);

    hours = twelveHours(hours)

    hours = zeros(hours);
    minutes = zeros(minutes);
    seconds = zeros(seconds);

    Displayhours.textContent = hours,
    Displayminutes.textContent = minutes,
    Displayseconds.textContent = seconds 
}, 1000);

//suffix function
function clockSuffix(hours) {
    if (hours < 12) {
        return 'AM';
    return 'PM'

//adding a leading zero if time is a single digit
function zeros (num) {
    if(num < 10) {
        return "0" + num;
    return num;

//12-hours feature function
function twelveHours(hours) {
    if (hours % 12 === 0 ) {
        return 12;
    return hours % 12;

Final project display


With this unambiguous step-by-step process of building a digital clock with vanilla JavaScript, you should have been able to solidify your knowledge using the Date Object.

This is a great small project that'll help you in your Javascript journey, feel free to include additional features and make it yours.